Monday, June 2, 2014

Overhead poetry Saturday night 27Bryant

Yummy fruity pebbles jump mom
3 Hours ago
Here, eat more
fuck! This isn't good
Be all like
did you get out of work?
I'm the bitch in the group.

Overheard on 27bryant bus Saturday night

Friday, May 30, 2014

Police no more.

Sirens tearing eardrums bloody.
Gasping fear filled threats of destruction assured; a swirling vortex of intoxicating doughnuts draws every law enforcement officer into itself until they disappear forever.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dead San Francisco

Terrible to behold
Sickening to the smell
The noise is relentless
The taste is all fouled with toxins
We know this is
San Francisco city life.

Monday, May 26, 2014

No Gender Police

I care too much
I need you to be needy
I will save you
I need you to be needy
Transsexual TransWomen Separatists Assimilationists.
I need you to be needy
I need you to be needy
Free Barbie Ideology.
I need you to be needy
I need you to be needy
Marching soldiers repeating
Power over
I need you to be needy
I need you to be needy
Or I must hate completely.
I need you to be needy
I need you to be needy
Or I must hate completely.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Remembering the Tesseract

I looked up one minute and it was May 3, 2014 and the next minute it was January 5th 1980.

I have been slipping back and forth in time since my earliest memory.

I was too young to have a memory of my own and so at age 3 I opened my mouth and spoke one full sentence as my first words as a child. I said,
"Saint, Sinner, Dark & Light. "

My mother, Edna, had till then only looked upon me as some evil freak of nature; mute, dumb and an embarrassment of her past sins come to life that was only worthy of the kind of treatment one gave a pet in a cage. After I spoke a hideous stench of evil terror exuded from her towards me, as if my speaking had only made me even more of a freak, a monster. She slapped my face hard but I did not scream. For her I do not know what she saw, heard, and said; for at the moment of her slap I had slipped away.

I was in a place that was a sterile room, light blue with white trim and a closed white door. I stood 6 feet tall looking down at my skin, wet cold, grey, green and scaly.

My family slithered their welcome using telekinesis. The moment the white door opened they were coiled around me in greeting, the energy of a billion galaxies colliding now available to me through reconnection to the group.

After a long period of living underground our race of lizard aliens developed advanved telekinesis, and using our skin to hear; although we had a very advanced language and styles of conversation in our native lizard languages which used repeated series of clicks and pitch variable hissing, we no longer used it in communication with each other.

We are shape shifters.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Remembering the Tesseract "

I looked up one minute and it was May 3, 2014 and the next minute it was January 5th 1980.

I have been slipping back and forth in time since my earliest memory.

I was too young to have a memory of my own and so at age 3 I opened my mouth and spoke one full sentence as my first words as a child. I said,
"Saint, Sinner, Dark & Light. "

My mother, Edna, had till then only looked upon me as some evil freak of nature; mute, dumb and an embarrassment of her past sins come to life that was only worthy of the kind of treatment one gave a pet in a cage. After I spoke a hideous stench of evil terror exuded from her towards me, as if my speaking had only made me even more of a freak, a monster. She slapped my face hard but I did not scream. For her I do not know what she saw, heard, and said; for at the moment of her slap I had slipped away.

I was in a place that was a sterile room, light blue with white trim and a closed white door. I stood 6 feet tall looking down at my skin, wet cold grey green and scaly...

Musings for my book I'm writing in November.